“If I could smoosh together
all the words that mean amazing,
I still don’t think it would be enough”



Our Trips

Where we work

We work in the southwest province of San Juan in the Dominican Republic. The DR is rich in cultural traditions and natural beauty. However, 45% of the rural population struggles with poverty and unemployment and deforestation plagues over 70% of the country.

Our volunteers live in rural areas in dormitory style housing, eat local foods, and work side by side with the community they are helping. There are few outside world intrusions such as cell phones or computers. After a day of working on a project, volunteers might play soccer with local children, read, play games or just relax. In the evenings, trip leaders hold reflections and discussions that provide context to everything you see and experience.

The trip also includes time to explore the history and culture of the destination country. The DR has some beautiful scenery including fresh flowing rivers with water coming from the mountains and waterfalls where you can bathe and swim.
Please check out our DR photo gallery.


“The hardest part of it all was saying good bye – we got to know the families so well and it was wonderful to play with and spend time with the children. I loved the night we had dinner with both of the families. We played with the kids and laughed and the next day one of the little girls, Valesca, ran up to me and gave me the biggest hug and smile.
Thinking about not being able to see any of them again breaks my heart, but I’m so happy we were able to help them with the construction of a safe and sturdy home that will last them a long time! It’s been an emotional few days back - a trip like that really puts things in perspective and you have a new appreciation for life in Canada and how fortunate we are to live here. This was a very special, life-changing trip for me, and I absolutely cannot wait for the next one.” - Jessica | Feb 2018


“Bridges to Community is literally about building homes… but it really is about building a community for us all no matter where you are from”

Sheila  |  AUGUST 2017


Types of Trips


Every Business Leader’s trip with BTCC allows the participant an opportunity to sight-see and to get to know more about the beautiful countries where we work. The heart of the week is spent living in the communities where we build houses and working side by side with the families who will live in them. These groups are comprised of members of a connected business community. Our accommodations are safe, secure and basic. Our food is wholesome and plentiful. The week is a time of great fellowship, laughter and hard work. There are tasks for all levels of physical ability. Everyone contributes and everyone makes a difference! Read about our recent Pembridge & Friends trip here. Our Business Leaders / Corporate Sponsored Trips generally require that each trip participant has a Personal Fundraising Goal of $4,000 - recognizing that, as a group, there will be a Team Goal that is equivalent to $4,000 per person. For example, a group of 10 people will have a Team Goal to raise $40,000.

“We all needed each other, and every task fulfilled was equally important as the previous, and as the next. Everybody brought something special to the table to help make a difference in the lives of the families we came to serve. I am absolutely humbled & honoured to have worked alongside such a fantastic bunch, who could take a compilation of personalities, talents, strengths & heart, turning it into teamwork & a family.” – Shannon | Feb 2018


February 8-15, 2020 Business Leader's Trip
March 28-April 4, 2020 - Corporate Trip - Pembridge
October, 2020 (dates TBD) Corporate Trip - Intact
November, 2020 (dates TBD) Business Leader's Trip

To join a trip please fill out this registration form, selecting your desired trip dates from the dropdown menu.





The parent/child trip has made a significant impact on the lives of many young adults. These trips present a remarkable opportunity for a family bonding experience. To coincide with the school season, we schedule these trips during the summer months.

The cost of the trip is $1,395 per person + flight costs that can range anywhere from $800-$1,200 depending on when you book. The trip fee includes the cost of all meals and accommodations while in Nicaragua.

“This trip opened my eyes, and made me appreciate all the amenities that we continuously take for granted. Living in a developed country, we cannot always see the poverty that affects millions worldwide. However, we experienced it firsthand on this trip. It genuinely changed my life and my view of the world, in a way that I will never forget.”  – Emily | Aug 2017

In order to give the participant a sense of involvement, we suggest that the group have a goal to fundraise $8,000 – enough to cover the cost of the 2 houses they will build during their visit.
Please contact us for more info about upcoming parent/child trips.




Build Your Own Trip

One of Bridges goals in the DR and Nicaragua is to help Canadian volunteers have a life changing, service learning experience.

Whether you’re a couple, student or church group and want to experience this opportunity, we’re open to having you join us.  Or perhaps you are an individual or small group with no affiliation, you too can be a part of one of our amazing trips to the DR.

Our goal is to help Canadians discover the immense pride that comes from making a difference for families who face severe poverty and hardship.  We are open to everyone who wants to have a life changing experience.  So form a group or come as an individual and learn what it’s like to build a house in days, make a concrete difference for a family in need, and create memories that will last a life time!

“We knew we wanted to do a trip that was “experiential” and what better way to become immersed in a culture than to work side by side with local masons to create a new environment for a deserving family.  We got that and way more. There is a spirit and a warmth in Nicaragua’s mountain communities that certainly touched my heart. These people deserve so much more … but at least two families have the shelter they need. One step at a time, we all have the ability to be the change.”  – Susan | April 2018

To join an existing trip please fill out this registration form, selecting your desired trip dates from the dropdown menu.
Or contact us to begin building a trip of your own!




Join Us and You Too Can Make a Concrete Difference In the World

“My trip to Nicaragua with Bridges to Community was a rewarding experience that exceeded all of my expectations. You think you are going to help build some houses or schools but the experience ends up being so much more than that. You really start to re-evaluate life and the things that are important like family, friends and community.” – Denise D.

Please note that due to current civil unrest in Nicaragua all our trips have been redirected to our site in the Dominican Republic.
See photos here

If you are interested in joining a trip, volunteering or simply getting more information please contact us!

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