What to Expect

We work in the southwest province of San Juan in the Dominican Republic. The DR is rich in cultural traditions and natural beauty. However, 45% of the rural population struggles with poverty and unemployment and deforestation plagues over 70% of the country. Accessing the DR from Canada is relatively easy. There are direct flights from Toronto to Santo Domingo, Puerto Plata or Punta Cana. Depending on the particular area of the Dominican you will be working in either of these three cities will allow you access.

A tour of Santo Domingo is highly recommended if you have the chance. The old part of the city is full of interesting historical facts as it was the first place Christopher Columbus landed in the new world. It is also the oldest city in the western hemisphere. A walking tour is provided upon arrival, and there are many interesting stores cafes restaurants in the old part of the city.
It is very walkable and safe with law enforcement officers present at all times.

 In the villages you will typically stay in a community center or church set up with bunk beds to accommodate the visitors.

Meals will be prepared by local cooks using local ingredients and traditional cooking styles. All the food is hygienically prepared and everything is washed with bottled water. After a day of working on a project, volunteers might play soccer with local children, read, play games or just relax. In the evenings, trip leaders hold reflections and discussions that provide context to everything you see and experience. Often you will stay right in the village with gives you an excellent opportunity to interact with the locals.  You will have an opportunity to see how they live each day and observe their culture first hand. These villages usually also have small convenience stores where you can purchase cold soft drinks bottles of water or snacks.



“I am forever grateful to be a part of the Bridges 2019 Dominican Republic mission this past Fall. Even with endless thought and preparation going into the trip, there is a world of enlightenment that cannot be achieved until you work in the community alongside the local residents and tradespeople who demonstrate such passion and commitment to these projects. This isn’t just a job for them – this is an opportunity to invest their skill into building their communities’ infrastructure and sustain the local culture by giving residents safe homes and schools, and their pride shows every step of the way. You can tell by the way the local people welcome the volunteer groups that Bridges’ presence in these regions has truly been life changing for them. I am both proud to be a part of the Bridges group, and humbled by the courtesy and dedication of the local communities, the volunteer coordinators, and the fellow volunteers.” - Maya, Inact Trip | DR Oct 2019

“The ability to be see where the funding goes and physically present in a community, working alongside the local residents, both kids and adults was life-changing.  The impact of human kindness is truly priceless in this case.” - Rhonda, Inact Trip | DR Oct 2019

“The day our bus pulled up to La Guama and we walked down the main dirt road was life changing for me because of how welcome we felt by the community.  We were a group of strangers, yet everyone we said holah to acknowledged us.  We had people in the village coming up to us to shake our hands and to hug us  – not because we were building the house for them, but for a young couple within their community.  The work was gratifying but that was only one small part of the experience. I have often heard of the term “Human Element” and how people tend to lack this when carrying on their lives day to day, because we take so many things for granted.  This trip gave me hope there are still people out there that love life regardless of whether they had materialistic items or not.  La Guama is proof that Whoville really does exist!  

 I have also have never been part of a group/team that became so close in such a short period of time.   I did not hear one negative comment from any team member about another individual.  We worked together, sweat together and cried together.  It has only been eight days, I miss my team immensely.  It truly was a trip of a lifetime because of the people I was surrounded by all had warm hearts, I could see that clearly everyday we were together.” - Shane, Inact Trip | DR Oct 2019

“It was a daunting feeling as we entered the village and my eyes were drawn to the incredible amount of poverty we would be working in and around. That all fell away very quickly as we began working together as a team, with the villagers, and experiencing life in La Guama each day. It may have been brief, but it was a full experience, challenging, and incredibly fulfilling. Would definitely do it again, and would highly recommend to anyone looking to make a difference in other people’s lives“ - Sheldon, Inact Trip | DR Oct 2019

Ready to Join Us?


You too can make a concrete difference in the world.
To register for a trip, please fill out this application form and select your trip date from the dropdown menu.

The cost to join a trip is $1,395.00USD. This fee can be paid in 2 separate installments as follows:

1.  $500US that will cover the actual in country expenses – this fee will be paid directly to BTC US, with your credit card, by clicking on the following link:  https://bridgestocommunity.org/volunteer/pay-for-trip/. This fee does not qualify for a tax receipt.

2. $895US ($1,200 CDN) will be applied to the project worked on by the group. This fee of $1,200.00 CDN can be made by you or a donor. The fee will be paid directly to BTCC, with a credit card, by clicking on the following link to a Canada Helps Fundraising Page: A tax receipt for the amount paid will be emailed to the payee immediately. Please enter your name and the trip dates in the comment box and follow payment instructions.

Fees are due 60 days before the departure of your trip.
We look forward to having you join us!

“My trip with Bridges to Community was a rewarding experience that exceeded all of my expectations. You think you are going to help build some houses or schools but the experience ends up being so much more than that. You really start to re-evaluate life and the things that are important like family, friends and community.” – Denise